Using Scientific Calculators as pedagogical tool in Brazilian Public Schools
PUBLISHING MONTH : December 2017
Ms. Clarice Pereira (left)
Ms. Maria Regina Duarte Lima (middle)
Ms. Ana Cláudia Cossini Martins (right)
Developing a problem with using the Casio scientific calculator was a very rewarding experience for us as Mathematics Coordinating teachers of the Mathematical Pedagogical Center.
We proved in practice, with the classes taught in the 1st Grade of the High School of several schools of the Board of Education of José Bonifácio, the interest and participation of all students in the room.
In the construction of tables, with the use of the Classwiz this task was simple and fast, so students could dedicate themselves to the exploration and investigation of the presented data, to raise hypotheses and to establish relations between them, allowing a greater understanding of the problem, and the development of mathematical thinking.
In the classes we also observed that even the students with learning difficulties are motivated to carry out the activities, thus evidencing the recovery of their self-esteem. They began to interact more during the class analyzing the results obtained formulas and tables constructed in the calculator.
More than 800 students answered the following questions

“I found the classes with the use of scientific calculator more interesting than normal teaching, without the use of scientific calculator”
“It will be easier to learn and assimilate the subject of mathematics and physics if the subjects are taught with the help of a scientific calculator
“I feel that the scientific calculator helped me explore concepts and thus gain a deeper insight into the subject”
“I think math classes should be a combination of calculator use with pencil and paper”
More than 20 teachers answered to this question
“The calculator should be included in the curriculum”