CASIO High School Math Competition 2017 :
A Fun Mathematics Competition

Successfully on organizing Casio High School Math Competition (CHAMPION) 2016, Casio represented CHAMPION 2017 as “A Fun Mathematics Competition”. This competition held in 4 major Cities in Indonesia for winning prizes, training vouchers from Binus, trophies and medals. Champion 2017 was held by collaboration among Casio Singapore Pte, Ltd. Jakarta Representative Office, with Local Distributor, PT Sahabat Utama Traco and Binus Center, proving that Casio had been very concern to improve education of Indonesia and appreciating every students who want to compete with each other. The participants could choose where they will take the test for elimination stage, Bandung (11/11), Yogyakarta (13/11), Surabaya (15/11), and Jakarta (18/11). The winner of each elimination test participated on the Grand Final CHAMPION 2018, in Jakarta, 23rd November 2017.
Using calculator for solving problem or just learning mathematics is common for many educationally developed countries such as Singapore, United Kingdom and United States of America. Through CHAMPION 2017, students in Indonesia could get used to solving mathematics problem by using Casio fx-991IDPlus, a specialized product which suit the national curriculum of Indonesia. For the participants who do not have the calculator yet, the committee provided samples so all of them were competing in the same level.
Contents of the test arranged from X – XII grade materials and has been verified by Prof. Dr. Marcus Wono Setya Budhi, ITB. Judges that responsible for scoring the final test were College teachers from Mathematics Education Dept. of UHAMKA, Mr. Edi Supriadi, M.Pd , Mr Benny Hendriana, M.Pd, and also Casio Math Trainer, Irwansyah MHL, S.Pd.
After tight competition of 30 Grand Finalist on 23rd November, the best three are Farras M. Hibban Fadilla (SMA Kharisma Bangsa) as 3rd winner, Naufal D. Anugrah (SMAN 1 Yogyakarta) as 2nd winner, and Glenda E. Sutanto (SMAK Santa Maria Cirebon) as the 1st winner.