Educators support math teaching methods with scientific calculators.

  • Ms. O rawan Perrodin (T hailand)

    Ms. O rawan Perrodin (T hailand)

    Scientific calculators are helping to change students' mindse ts about learning math. M y stu de nts are hap pier than b efo re, because they can see how math can be us ed in their lives. They are actually m ore effective in class, raising their hands and asking teachers what knowledge they can get from calculators.

  • Mr. Reynaldo Torres Jr. (Philippines)

    Mr. Reynaldo Torres Jr. (Philippines)

    Scientific calculators help students interact more when they participate in group activities in class. The calculators also help teachers introduce ICT into classes. (In the Philippines, teachers are evaluated on how they integrate technology into classes.) Students have more opportunities to discuss solutions with each other, and they're encouraged to ask their teachers questions.

  • Ms. Dwi Anggraeni (Indonesia)

    Ms. Dwi Anggraeni (Indonesia)

    Scientific calculators help students learn actively. They help students think about math for many different types of questions, letting students solve several problems at the same time. Scientific calculators make students excited and motivated to learn mathematics. Students can learn math concepts by looking at patterns of numbers.

  • Mr. Ismael Zamora (United States)

    Mr. Ismael Zamora (United States)

    Answering questions is not enough now; students need to start asking questions. Scientific calculators help students explore. They allow students to look at problems together, look for connections, and ask each other questions. Scientific calculators are incredible piece of technology that opens up the world of math to curiosity.

  • Ms. Claudia Lázaro (Spain)

    Ms. Claudia Lázaro (Spain)

    Scientific calculators help students not only to perform calculations, but also to better understand math concepts. Scientific calculators also promote collaborative learning between students. Students enjoy discovering math possibilities through the various functionality of scientific calculators. Using scientific calculators is a good way to allow students to ask new questions and develop critical thinking, and the calculators help the students to solve problems.

  • Mr. Barry Kissane (Australia)

    Mr. Barry Kissane (Australia)

    The main merit is that the students will be able to learn mathematics better by using their calculator to interact with ideas in various ways. They can explore the ideas for themselves, investigating the ideas involved and making predictions as to what will happen and checking whether it happens or not. They can discuss math with a partner.