With ClassWiz Emulator License Codes issued on or after October 9, 2019, licenses can be commonized for all ClassWiz Emulators.
If you are using the same PC, you can activate multiple ClassWiz Emulators with one license.
License Codes issued on or before October 8, 2019

License Codes issued on or after October 9, 2019 (common license)

(Important Information)
License Codes issued on or before October 8, 2019 cannot be used as common ClassWiz-wide licenses. License Codes may only be used on the model of ClassWiz Emulator specified when issued.
Once you have 60 days or fewer left on your license, you can extend this period by adding the remaining days of uncommonized licenses on to the commonized license.
You will need to use the latest version of the software to use commonized licenses.