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About us
Casio Institute for Educational Development is an in-house organization that was re-established in May 2023 to strengthen support in the field of education in response to the increase in activities related to educators by developing in addition to scientific calculators and electronic dictionaries in CASIO's education business.

Outline of Activities
We connect those who are involved in education and support “learning” with tools and services to bring life to places of learning in the future.
Examples of Activities
• Sponsorship and support for academic conferences and events
• Development of educational materials
• Offering tools and services aligned with educational curriculums
• Involvement in pilot projects aimed at improving academic performance
• Support for the establishment of better educational and learning environment
• Teacher training

Message from the Director

CASIO Institute
for Educational Development
Yasuhiro Ito

Message from the Director
Towards better educational and learning environments
Our corporate philosophy is “Creativity and Contribution.” This refers to our commitment to benefitting society by maximizing the unique strengths of Casio to create new markets that meet the changing needs of society.
Casio has been supporting those who learn by digitizing universal concepts, such as numbers and words. Casio’s education business started in 1972, when it introduced Japan’s first scientific calculator, the fx-1. Since that time, we have kept “Boost your Curiosity” as our core product development philosophy.
The origin of learning is curiosity. From curiosity comes interest. We believe that these are important factors for enriching one’s life. Supplying products and services such as scientific calculators, electronic dictionaries, and education software, we are aiming to achieve a world where anyone can find learning enjoyable. In order to realize this, we will continue to develop products using Casio’s unique technologies from the perspective of each learner, with strong feelings and unique ideas.
In addition, together with everyone involved in education, we will revitalize the learning landscape, and at the same time, we will not only provide products, but also develop tools and services to connect people involved in education to each other.
Now, based on the statement of our education business, “Boost Your Curiosity”, we are continuing our support of the places of learning to reach 22 million people in 100 countries worldwide (as of FY 2023) through our scientific calculators, electronic dictionaries, and education software. In the future, we promise to pursue the ideal of “Boost Your Curiosity” and provide products and services of value.