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Governments and Casio
Casio is engaged in promoting projects linked to the future of learners through coordination with national and regional governments.

G2G EDU-Port Japan
Mathematics education business in Indonesia and Thailand selected as a project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
G2G EDU-Port Japan is a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that promotes the development of Japan-style education outside Japan. Casio is running a program in Indonesia and Thailand on “inquiry-based mathematics”. We support the expansion and establishment of these practices. Aiming to improve mathematics education through classroom development, we are considering support for other countries as well.

Case 1: Indonesia
In Indonesia, based on the national policy of developing human resources to increase international competitiveness, Casio is engaged in educational reforms aimed at increasing capabilities centered around Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), such as analysis, evaluation, and imagination. Institutions related to the Ministry of Education have a great interest in the benefits of and educational activities related to Casio’s scientific calculators. We have begun supporting classes for first-year high school students in the state of Jakarta, where a new curriculum will be implemented in 2024.

Case 2: Thailand
Casio held discussions with organizations related to the Ministry of Education of Thailand on the use of scientific calculators, with an eye on addressing disparities in academic ability between cities and countryside regions. With this information in mind, Casio conducted a pilot class with first-year high school students. In subsequent testing, classes that engaged in inquiry-based classes that used scientific calculators had higher instances of correct answers given compared to classes that were taught using more traditional methods, without the use of scientific calculators. Casio was able to verify the effectiveness of its scientific calculators.
Creation of a book to prepare for the PISA exam through a collaboration with the General Directorate of Education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The mathematics section of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) that was organized by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2018 found that Saudi Arabia ranked 72 out of 78 countries. The General Directorate of Education in Jeddah asked Casio to create a book oriented toward the exam in order to increase the country’s PISA scores. Casio created the “PISA Booklet”, which used one of Casio’s scientific calculators, the fx-991CW, to solve problems. The scientific calculators were distributed free of charge to public schools in Jeddah. Training for teachers and students is planned in preparation for PISA 2025.

Effectiveness assessment of scientific calculators at a model school in the state of Lagos, Nigeria
In coordination with the Lagos State Ministry of Education, Casio engaged in a project to assess the effectiveness of scientific calculators as they related to inquiry-based learning. Teaching materials were provided to six model schools, with Casio implementing teacher training and classes that use the scientific calculators. The results of a survey of the benefits were reported to the Ministry of Education.
These reports were presented at ”The Lagos Education Conference”, in which many education-related personnel participated, including the Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education, the Senior Deputy Registrar of the West Africa Examination Council, and the Commissioner of the Lagos State Ministry of Education.
Our activities were commended by the Commissioner of the Lagos State Ministry of Education as an example of successful collaboration between government and private sector.
Casio advanced the efficiency of learning through scientific calculator technology, and demonstrated classes that are capable of developing students’ problem-solving skills. The project was a success, and in the future, Casio plans to conduct teacher training over a wide area of the state of Lagos, covering 1,000 people at 500 schools, with plans to expand into other states as well.