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Teachers and Casio
Casio works together with teachers to confront the issues surrounding places of learning, and provides support to improve teaching capabilities.

“Casio Teacher Training System”
for people who teach in countries around the world
Casio is engaged in initiatives around the world to advance curricular reforms focusing on mathematics and science education, which are fundamental to technology. One of the things that support these efforts is Casio’s teacher training. Casio provides comprehensive support, from dispatching “master trainers” (teachers working with Casio), who are responsible for developing regional trainers, to ensuring that every teacher is able to provide classes that use scientific calculators.

Casio Essential Materials:
Original teaching materials that support mathematics classes that use scientific calculators
The status of usage of scientific calculators varies by country and region. In order to improve situations where scientific calculators have never been used before, where usage was subject to restrictions, and where usage was not appropriate, Casio developed original teaching materials.
These materials encompass all teaching modules for higher secondary level mathematics, and support the introduction and usage of scientific calculators. When students are able to achieve a suitable and sufficient understanding and usage of scientific calculators, they are able to deepen their understanding of and interest in mathematics.
As for teachers, they are able to learn the required usage of scientific calculators for the next lesson as supplemental materials.

Introducing instructional teaching materials that follow along with a series of higher secondary level mathematics classes! Here’s a sample of the content!use scientific calculators