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Casio Institute for Educational Development Co-Sponsored ICME-15
ICME-15 (The 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education) was held in Sydney, Australia on July 7-14th 2024 and Casio Institute for Educational Development co-sponsored the event as a Gold Sponsor.
With the aim of expanding awareness and arousing interest in our education business, and building relationships with educators in various countries, we actively engaged in activities such as booth exhibitions, keynote opening speeches, workshops, and participation in various sessions held within ICME.
What is ICME (International Congress on Mathematics Education)?
ICME is the largest international conference on mathematics education organized by the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
It was held in Lyon, France in 1969 and has been held every four years since then. This time, about 2,300 people from various countries participated.
Convey Casio’s thoughts to educators
In the opening speech of the keynote speech, which was attended by about 2,000 people, Mr. SATO, General Manager of the Business Division, talked about the history of our product development, and under the statement "Boost Your Curiosity" of the Casio education business, how we will provide the best educational tools and provide educational support that is close to the field. He also shared his three thoughts on realizing the dreams of children around the world and continuing to support them for their hopes for the future.
In order to achieve this, we hold the Global Teachers Meeting, a conference where teachers and educators from around the world are invited to discuss education, every year to convey to educators in each country that the opinions of teachers around the world are being utilized in product development, and that we will continue to implement educational support activities according to the circumstances of each country.

Communication with visitors at the exhibition booth
The exhibition booth was divided into four main areas, where we shared the statement and vision of our educational business, the history, the product lineup of scientific calculators, All-in-one ICT learning app, and Casio’s original teaching materials, and exchanged opinions with the people who visited the booth.

Exhibition Area

Scientific Calculator Area
Workshops to share the effectiveness of Casio products in inquiry-based learning
Workshops were held mainly by Associate Professor Barry Kissane of Murdoch University, who is a cooperating teacher of Casio. In the workshop, we shared the effectiveness of scientific calculators and in inquiry-based learning, which has been emphasized in recent years in mathematics learning, with specific examples.
We received the following comment from Associate Professor Amr Zakaria of Ain Shams University in Egypt. “The way we look at Casio’s impact on education has changed dramatically. Participating in ICME15 allowed me to exchange ideas with my colleagues and professors who are working with Casio on research in mathematics education, which led to a wider network within the academic community. In addition, the workshops organized by Casio have greatly changed the way we think about how to use scientific calculators. I was able to perceive them not just as computational tools, but as powerful devices for exploring mathematical concepts.”

Our hope is to boost the curiosity of all students
(ITO Yasuhiro, Director of the Casio Institute for Educational Development)
By participating in the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-15), we had a good opportunity to think more deeply about how to provide lessons that boost students’ curiosity and how to provide educational tools that are closely linked to the classroom, with the aim of realizing “Boost Your Curiosity.”
We will continue to provide better education and learning environments in order to create a world where everyone finds learning interesting.