Connect with a 3pin cable
Measurements can be conducted by connecting the calculator and the Data Logger (EA-200, CLAB, etc.) and using the E-CON application.
E-CON is an application that is used to operate the Data Logger (EA-200, CLAB, etc.) from the calculator.
From here on, E-CON will refer to E-CON3,E-CON2 and E-Con EA-200.
E-CON is software that is used to use EA-200, but it can also be used with CLAB with the exception of some functions.
Custom probes can be set on the calculator with E-CON. Use the custom probe to use the CMA sensor with E-CON.
To conduct measurements using the CMA sensor, either set by importing the following custom probe data into the calculator, or registering the values in the list with the custom probe.
The custom probe data can be transferred to the fx-9860G Series using FA-124.
Please refer to the FA-124's User's Guide for the specific data transfer method.
The data can be transferred by connecting the calculator with a PC and putting the custom probe data into the @MainMem's ECON2 folder.
Please refer to the fx-CG Series' User's Guide for the specific data transfer method.
The custom probe data can be moved to ClassPad 300, ClassPad 330, or ClassPad 300 PLUS by using FA-CP1.
Please refer to the FA-CP1's User's Guide for the specific handling.
Connect the calculator with a PC and put the custom probe data into the AutoImport folder.
Import the custom probe data into the calculator's main memory from the System application after disconnecting the calculator and the PC.
Please refer to the fx-CP400's User's Guide for the specific data transfer method.
*Commands not shown in this list cannot be used on the CLAB.